Tag: Carol singing

  • Collectors needed for the Queen’s Park Carollers who will be singing in the streets around the park on 13th and 18th Dec

    Listen out for the Queen’s Park carol singers on the streets to the East of the park on Thursday 13th December and to the West on Thursday 18th December.

    QPARA members and their offspring are invited to knock on doors, so that residents can enjoy hearing the carols and at the same time collect money for our two local food banks and soup kitchens – Laurence’s Larder, Christchurch Avenue NW6 and SUFRA, Stonebridge NW10. No donation is too small.

    Volunteer collectors should meet at Summerfield/Kingswood junction at 7.30pm on Thursday 13th December or outside 7 Kempe Road at 7.30pm on Tuesday 18th December.

    Please let Liz Till know if you can spare an hour or two lizmtill@btinternet.com