We hold monthly meetings on the second Thursday of every month, except August, from 8.00 to 10.00pm.
These are held at the ICMP 76-78 Salusbury Road, London, NW6 6PA (corner of Salusbury Road and Hopefield Avenue). Attendance by Zoom is also possible (subject to occasional technical issues). Joining instructions are sent out to members with the meeting notice and agenda.

We make meetings as interesting as possible and often invite guests to speak on local issues. The atmosphere is open and friendly. Members who come can ask questions and be involved in decision-making. The meetings also give people a chance to meet friends and neighbours.
Refreshments are available for face to face meetings, usually from about 7.45pm. Bring your own refreshments to Zoom meetings!
Prior to Covid-19, we met at St Anne’s Church, Salusbury Road, NW6. Later we held our monthly meetings online via Zoom, with around 50 members joining the meeting each month.
2025 meeting dates
9th January, 13th February, 13th March, 10th April, 8th May, 12th June, 10th July, no meeting in August, 11th September, 9th October, 13th November (Annual General Meeting) and 11th December.
Check the Events Calendar page for location and any other important information.
Agenda and minutes
Meeting agendas and full draft minutes of meetings are emailed to QPARA members. The minutes remain draft until approved at the following Monthly Meeting. The Annual General Meeting (AGM) minutes are approved at the following AGM. Anyone wishing to receive minutes is invited to join the Association.