
General stall regulations and vital information

Selection of Stallholders

Stallholders will be selected upon their relevance and the variety of stalls at the event. Submission of the application form and associated materials does not constitute acceptance of your application. Acceptance is at our discretion. You will be advised of the outcome of the application. All decisions are final and no correspondence will be entered into.


  • All tables must be set up and staffed from 12 noon until 5.30 pm.
  • Please try to remove your vehicle by 10.30am. The latest time for removing vehicles is 11am.
  • The gates will be shut and vehicles will not be allowed into the park after 11am.
  • We will not be held responsible if you lose your tables and chairs because of late arrival.


  • When you arrive on the day you will be shown where your stall is. You must wear your lanyard name badge which shows your stall number. Requests for specific locations cannot be guaranteed and the organisers’ decision is final.
  • If you have booked chairs, you must collect and return them to the QPARA area.
  • The City of London by-laws prohibit distribution of leaflets or collection for charity in the park. Please restrict this to your stall.
  • Please wear the lanyard name badges during the event. This helps us identify illegal traders.
  • You must take all your rubbish away with you including cardboard boxes. You must gather up any rubbish which has blown away from your stall. Your pitch will be checked when you leave.
  • No sharing or subletting of stalls without the organisers’ agreement in advance.
  • Any gazebos brought to the event must be properly and safely weighted down.


  • Vehicle access will be through the yard in Kingswood Avenue on the east side of the park.
  • You must display a Red Vehicle Pass or Green Vehicle Pass on your windscreen to be allowed to enter the park
  • Vehicles may be brought into the park for loading and unloading only between 8am and 11am and after 6pm
  • No cars are permitted to remain in the park without special dispensation (Green Vehicle Pass which has your stall name and must be displayed in your windscreen). You must park where you are shown.
  • Maximum speed in the park is 5mph with hazard lights on.
  • You must follow directions from stewards, park staff and police.


  • The organisers have the right to eject any stallholder who causes friction with other stallholders.
  • If you cause trouble on the day you will be asked to leave and forfeit your booking fee.
  • Anyone breaking the regulations will not be invited in future years.


If you are unable to attend the event, please contact Andrea Szalanczi Booking fees are not returnable unless an alternative stallholder can be found by the organisers at least 48 hours before the event. An admin charge of £10 will be deducted.

Personal property

The organisers of Queen’s Park Day cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to any property or equipment owned by stallholders. Please ensure you have taken adequate steps to safeguard your money and valuables.


The Queen’s Park Area Residents’ Association, the officers and the organisers of Queen’s Park Day cannot be held responsible for any actions, expenses, claims, damages, penalties and demands that may arise from, or in any way connected with Queen’s Park Day, including personal injuries and injuries to the public from any accidents. Please take out your own insurance to cover such eventualities.

Any queries contact: Andrea Szalanczi