Summerfield Avenue, Dudley Road Traffic Management Changes


QPARA have made a response to Brent’s proposed trial and made our own proposal for their consideration.

These documents can be viewed and/or downloaded here:

(Note: clicking on the link will view or download the PDF documents, depending on the settings of your browser).

Brent’s deadline for consultation response or comment if you have not been directly consulted has just been extended to 13th March.

Brent is proposing a 6-month trial scheme to stop west to east traffic flow though the avenues at the southern end of Salusbury Road in the morning rush hour. QPARA considers the plans should be widely known.

The suggestion, arising from a petition from understandably concerned residents, is to ban cars (but not cycles) turning from Kingswood Avenue into Summerfield, Montrose and Hopefield Avenues between the hours of 7 & 10, Monday to Friday. We are told this will be enforced by camera cars, not static cameras, but not how frequently. If the four streets to be protected vote in favour by February 27th it has been suggested the trial scheme could begin around Easter.

At the moment only residents of Summerfield, Dudley, Montrose, Hopefield and the adjacent stretches of Kingswood, Salusbury & Harvist are being officially consulted. QPARA has been invited to respond as well.

We are concerned that east and south-bound traffic could be displaced to Windermere, Brooksville and streets further north and that more congestion will build up around the southern ends of Kingswood and Salusbury and the east end of Harvist, so feel a wider area should have been included in preparatory discussions and in this consultation. We have sent a shorter email to the full membership to alert them to the proposals, and we encourage anyone in the area who has concerns to go to the Brent website to make their views known.

NB, the online consultation is set up to receive input only from residents in the area to be protected. If you want to make your views known you can also write to one of the Ward Councillors, Neil Nerva –, Steve Crabb –, Eleanor Southwood – In addition, the leaflet to voting households says “If you would like further explanation please contact Solomon Nere by emailing

Finally, there is a suggestion of a new traffic light sequence at the junction of Harvist and Salusbury which would include a new right turn filter to allow more cars to pass over the bridge by the station. London Assembly member Krupesh Hirani is pushing for this. We hope this might be another way to ease the number of vehicles trying to avoid Harvist by going along Summerfield & other streets to get onto Salusbury and beyond.

To share views in QPARA please contact We are also available to meet Street Reps individually or in groups of streets to brief them on the scheme and hear any initial feedback.

The map below shows the streets affected. The blue line shows the limits of the consultation.

This plan can be downloaded from the Brent council website.

Page updated 12/02/23, 13/02/23, 21/02/23, 25/02/23, 02/03/23