Join us

Why join QPARA? 

Only members can vote at our meetings, so if you want to help us make decisions, you’ll need to join.

Members get the minutes of our monthly meetings (by e-mail)

Your subscription makes a welcome contribution to the cost of hiring the room for our meetings, printing and other expenses.

Our membership numbers add weight to the representations we make to Brent Council and other organisations, such as developers or schools.

Membership year

The QPARA membership year runs from 1 October to 30 September. Annual subscriptions are therefore due on 1st October each year.


You can see our policy here.

Annual membership subscription

By standing order:   £8 (£4 Senior Citizens or unwaged)

By cheque, cash, transfer or PayPal:   £10 (£5 Senior Citizens or unwaged)

Life membership

£100 (£50 Senior Citizens or unwaged)

To join or renew your existing subscription by standing order, cash, cheque or bank transfer

1. Print and complete the relevant form:

QPARA-membership-application-form (Word)

QPARA-membership-application-form (PDF)

QPARA-membership-renewal-form (Word)

QPARA-membership-renewal-form (PDF)

2. Return the completed form with your payment to our membership secretary at the address on the form, enclosing your payment, if appropriate. Alternatively, you can contact your local Street Representative.

To join or renew your existing subscription online via PayPal

1. Choose whether to join for a year or for life and pay your subscription via PayPal.

You can select Standard or Concessionary rate (Senior Citizens or unwaged) using the drop-down menu.


Annual Membership


Life Membership

2. Email our Membership Secretary at with your name, address, (including postcode), phone number(s) and whether you are paying the standard or concessionary amount. The Membership Secretary will acknowledge receipt of your payment and welcome you to the Association.