QPARA was established by local residents in 1973 as an entirely voluntary organisation keen to preserve the integrity of the conservation area … and that’s what we still do, but now so much more besides!
Over the last few years, QPARA has led and contributed to many initiatives that help our community on a daily basis. We keep this website up-to-date with news of our current activities and campaigns.
Our area

We are in the south-east tip of the London Borough of Brent, bounded on the north by the North London railway line (London Overground), on the south by the main railway line into Euston, on the west by the centre of the highway and the properties on the Queen’s Park side of Chamberlayne Road, and on the east by the properties on both sides of Donaldson Road/Woodville Road, the boundary of Paddington Cemetery and the centre of the highway and the properties on the west side of Willesden Lane.
Our constitution
We are a democratic voluntary organisation, but not a charity. No members get paid for the work they do for the Association. The formalities are in our Constitution, adopted at our Annual General Meeting on 14th November 2019, which you can download and read at your leisure.
Becoming a member
If you’d like to show your support, please think about joining as a member. Even if you live outside this area, you can join us as an Associate member – you can’t vote at meetings or be an officer, but other than that, you are a fully fledged member. Go to ‘Join us’ on the website menu for details of how to join.
Meetings are on the second Thursday of every month, except August. See ‘MEETINGS‘ on the website menu for dates of future meetings.
We email all members a few days before each meeting with links to the agenda for the meeting and the draft minutes of the previous meeting. The email also includes details of how to register on Zoom.
We make meetings as interesting as possible and often invite guests to speak on local issues. The atmosphere is open and friendly. Members who come can ask questions and be involved in decision-making. When held face to face, the meetings give people a chance to meet friends and neighbours, refreshments are available, usually from about 7.40pm.
All members receive well drafted minutes of the meetings which are sent out by email to all members along with the agenda and notice of the next meeting.
Other ways to support us
Even if you can’t make it to meetings, you can support the Association in other ways. We always need volunteers to help with or organise the events we run, like Queen’s Park Day and Open Gardens. Another good way to get involved is through the Action Groups or affiliated organisations, such as the Queen’s Park Book Festival and Brent Patient Voice. There is more information on this website about the action groups – click on the menu for details.
Contact us or speak to any member of any action group if you are interested in getting involved.
Officers are elected at the Annual General Meeting in November. The 2021 AGM elected:
Name | Role |
Chair | Flavia Rittner |
Vice-chair | Virginia Brand |
Hon. Treasurer | Andrea Szalanczi |
Hon. Secretary | Mark Norbury |
Membership Secretary | Andrea Szalanczi |
Street Representatives
Each street within the area has a street representative who is a support point for residents, recruits new members and gives residents information about the association. The street rep also distributes the minutes by hand to the few members in their street(s) who do not receive them by email.
If you would like to get in touch with your street rep, please contact Andrea Szalanczi, the Membership Secretary, at qpmembership@gmail.com.