Category: Events

  • Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTNs) – update

    A special item at QPARA’s monthly meeting on 8th October discussed Brent’s proposals for LTN19 Queen’s Park / Brondesbury Park and LTN20 Kilburn (which includes some streets east of Salusbury Road). Some 90 members and other residents who attended heard updates on the latest position and expressed continued strong concern at the lack of consultation on the proposed scheme (see News article 30 Sept explaining QPARA’s stance). 

    Members of QPARA’s Streetscape Group had taken part in a Brent Council briefing for residents’ groups on 22 September. This revealed that LT19 would now be phased, with only the closure of Tiverton Road at the Chevening bridge junction being implemented first and other changes placed on hold unless ‘needed’ in future. In contrast, all the planned closures in LT20 would proceed as planned originally. Maps of these two updated proposals were shown.

    QPARA pressed Brent for the official notes of the meeting and the maps for over three weeks since the 22nd. The notes finally arrived on 14th October (but no maps) confirming the ‘Tiverton only’ proposal for LT19, for the present, but also now showing that point closures on Victoria and Donaldson roads in LT20 were now on hold. Other point closures in LT19 outside QPARA’s area would proceed (for example Brondesbury Villas, causing concern to QPARA members in Brondesbury Road due to displaced traffic). No firm dates were given for any closures. The notes also showed that  closures would now be reviewed at 2 and 4 months rather than at only 6 months intervals as envisaged before. There were still no plans to consult on schemes in advance, as this was to follow once implemented, running in parallel. Without updated maps yet provided by Brent, out website can show only the out of date originals .

    Hearing news of the changes and also that many members had collected figures on the mass of vehicles entering Queen’s Park area in the morning peak, the meeting on 8 October agreed immediate actions. Again putting on record strong concerns about the lack of prior consultation, it was agreed to fund Traffic Engineer expertise to advise QPARA if needed, and in addition to make a submission to an upcoming Extraordinary Meeting of Brent Council 16 September.

    The Council had given no real notice of this special meeting, and certainly none to interested parties including residents’ associations, even when these were actively engaged in LTN issues. On 14 October QPARA’s Chair Virginia Brand therefore submitted a formal letter to the Meeting on behalf of the association. It was circulated to all Brent councillors, and complained about the inadequate consultation process, the lack of data or projections to show how the schemes would impact, the absence of assessment on consequences for disabled people and the lack of consultation about the Meeting itself (live streamed at ).

    The Meeting approved a motion endorsing going ahead with LTNs but QPARA awaits clarification on its full meaning.

  • ICMP music college is planning to open in Salusbury Road in September 2021

    The Institute of Contemporary Music Performance (ICMP) have reached an agreement to take over the lease of the former Corrib Rest and have applied to Brent Council to approve a change of use from A4 (a pub) to D1 (Education and Health).

    QPARA members may be interested to see and comment on the planning application which can be found here:

    Plans for use of this site, the renewed ACV and the Section 106 provision are kept under active consideration by our Corrib action group and discussed extensively at QPARA’s monthly meetings.

  • Brent are supplying a community skip this Saturday, September 26th for the residents of Queen’s Park Ward to dispose of bulky waste. It will be situated at the junction of Kingswood Avenue and Harvist Road from 10am to 12 noon

    You can dispose of up to 5 items free, but you must bring some identification to prove you live in the area (your driving licence or council tax bill.) There will also be a caged lorry to take furniture or electricals away that have life left in them /are working. These will then be able to be reused by others in need who need furniture for their home. Please see the flyer for more details and come early, as once the skip is full no more waste can be put in the skip.

  • Have your say on new traffic measures around the Queen’s Park area

    QPARA has written to members asking for their views and feedback on Experimental Traffic Order TO/30/019 NP Queen’s Park Area. 

    We were dismayed to learn at September’s monthly meeting last Thursday that Brent planned to block certain streets in our area without prior consultation in pursuit of a TfL Healthy Streets initiative. QPARA supports initiatives which promote healthy lifestyles, but these plans, which would reconfigure many road traffic flows locally, are rushed and most have already caused considerable local concern. We have long been in favour of a traffic management plan for the area produced following due process and consultation. 

    We have produced a position paper and our Chair has written an email to Councillor Shama Tatler, the lead Brent councillor for this scheme, asking for an immediate meeting or an assurance of enough time for a proper consultation.

    Brent’s maps of the proposed changes are reproduced below.

    To give QPARA your feedback, please email saying if you agree or disagree with the action so far, as outlined in the position paper. This is a fast moving situation and we want to make sure that we represent the views of our membership as closely as possible. We recognise that members affected by morning rush hour rat runs, e.g. in Summerfield Avenue and Dudley Road, see an advantage in the proposals, but as our paper explains there are very serious disadvantages to weigh against the package as whole.  

    The petition on against the scheme which has already gained over 1,000 supporters is not a QPARA initiative but is in line with our response to the Council to date.

  • How to report crime and get help – flyer from Brent Safer Neighbourhood Board