Queen’s Park Councillors, Ellie Southwood and Neil Nerva, the Vicar of St Anne’s, Mother Christine Cargill, and Queen’s Park Manager, Richard Gentry, joined QPARA members on 11th June for our first monthly meeting since lockdown and first Zoom meeting. Discussions were particularly wide ranging and informative with updates on such diverse subjects as:
- the impact of Covid-19 across Brent and the action being taken by the council;
- community support coordinated by QPARA for residents vulnerable to Covid-19 in the Queen’s Park area;
- the Keslake Road project to address anti-social behaviour at the Chamberlayne Road end of the street;
- the ‘virtual’ Queen’s Park Open Gardens and Studios event that was taking place on Instagram;
- Ark Franklin school’s application to build an art studio next to Harvist Road;
- the use of the park during lockdown and plans for the coming weeks;
- opposition to replacing paving slabs with asphalt around the area;
- support for local business and the suggestion of a car-free day possibly in September;
- the need watering new street trees in the summer months, plans to cut down mature trees and efforts to get new trees planted; and
- the latest news on the Corrib Rest site on Salusbury Road.
It was great to have more than 50 people online, especially those who don’t usually make it to monthly meetings. Members commented how smoothly the meeting ran with great contributions from a wide range of people.
Full minutes are being finalised and will be emailed to all members next week with an invitation to July’s meeting which will take place at 8pm on Thursday 9th.