Tag: Air quality

  • Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) briefing from TfL at January’s QPARA meeting – presentation material and Q&As

    Click here to open the TfL presentation

    Victoria Secretan from Clean Air for Brent moderated a discussion on ULEZ, following a presentation to be given by Simon Roberts Principal City Planner at Transport for London. Nisha Durgacharan, Community Partnership Specialist at TfL was also present. Representatives from nearby residents’ associations (KRRA, KTRA, BRAT and APRATA) and CAfB had been invited to join the QPARA meeting for the presentation and discussion.

    Many thanks to Simon and Nisha for giving up their evening and to Victoria and all involved in organising the session.

    Click here for TfL’s responses to the questions asked

  • Letter to PM calling for action on diesel emissions scandal

    As concerns grow about the damaging impact of air pollution on our health, QPARA has been meeting with other residents’ associations and community groups, mostly in south Brent, to look at ways of improving local air quality. This follows air pollution monitoring by QPARA along Salusbury Road last August and October, which showed average levels of toxic NO2 along the main road in excess of the legal annual mean. Readings on side streets were slightly lower, highlighting the link between air pollution and diesel vehicle emissions.
    Clean Air for Brent, the group of local bodies, including QPARA, wrote to Brent MPs on 5th April asking them to endorse a letter to the Prime Minister and the Environment Secretary.

    Clean Air for Brent are engaging with Brent Council on a revised Air Quality Action Plan and an anti-idling campaign involving schools. The Mayor of London is also implementing a package of measures to tackle air pollution, including new Low Emission Bus Zones. Queen’s Park is not one of them, but we will benefit from cleaner buses along Chamberlayne Road from 2018 as a result of the Edgware Road being designated a Low Emission Bus Zone.

    In the meantime, we can all do much more to reduce pollution by driving less, switching away from diesel to cleaner hybrid vehicles, and not leaving engines running when stationary.
  • Woeful response on Brent’s air quality consultation – have your say now!

    As of 20 March only 63 out of 350,000 people in Brent have responded to Brent’s consultation for its revised Air Quality Action Plan – apparently this is considered good!! We don’t think it is half good enough.
    Air pollution, mostly from diesel emissions, is killing an estimated 9,400 people in London annually while 800 schools are on seriously polluted traffic routes. This really is a matter of life and death.

    QPARA’s Air Pollution Sub-Group (now working with other local action groups) is asking everyone to complete the questionnaire for Brent’s revised Air Quality Action Plan asap. The current closing date is 30 March (though we have urged an extension).  

    The link is here:  Consultation on Brent Air Quality Action Plan.  To make sense of the questionnaire you need to read the supporting document first (not the summary) but it is mercifully short.
    Thank you
  • Sign the petition for cleaner, greener buses along Chamberlayne Road at the QPARA tent tomorrow!

    Sign the petition for cleaner, greener buses along Chamberlayne Road at the QPARA tent tomorrow!

    We had a presentation on Air Quality from Client Earth at the QPARA meeting on Thursday. The Mayor of London’s Breathe Better Together web page summarises information on how air quality affects us and what we can do to better protect ourselves: www.london.gov.uk/prior…/environment/breathe-better-together
