Tag: Queen’s Park station

  • Queen’s Park station ticket office – use it or lose it

    Several Overground ticket offices have closed recently following installation of smarter ticket machines. Queen’s Park ticket office is still on the danger list. New machines have just been installed and their use will be monitored for 3 months. If this falls below a certain threshold, the axe will fall. So keep buying your local and long distance rail tickets there if you want to keep the ticket office open. Weekdays are your best bet, as the it sometimes closes at weekends.

  • Queen’s Park ticket office to close?

    IMG_0801London Underground has proposed closing the ticket office at Queen’s Park station. There was widespread community concern and QPARA objected. We understand that London Underground will install better ticket machines in December and will then monitor the number of ticket office transactions to see if they justify keeping the office open. Here’s hoping!

    After the successful introduction of the new ticket machines, the ticket office will remain open for three months. This period will be to assess whether the numbers of ticket office transactions has fallen below the Department for Transport guidance threshold of fewer than 12 transactions per hour or 3 per 15 minute period. If ticket office transactions have fallen below the threshold, London Underground will close these ticket offices without further public consultation. If they have not, London Underground will have to keep the ticket office open.


  • Select Committee supports move of proposed vent shaft from Queen’s Park station site


    Further to our post last month, QPARA appears before parliamentary Select Committee, the HS2 Select Committee has now reported and has supported the move of the ventshaft and auto-transformer to the Canterbury Works site in South Kilburn. The HS2 Bill is now going through the normal stages in the House of Commons, after which it will move to the House of Lords.

    Cllr Margaret McClennan, Brent lead member for Housing and Development, has agreed to attend the QPARA monthly meeting on 12 May to talk about the housing scheme for the Queen’s Park station site.


  • QPARA objects to closure of Queen’s Park station ticket office. Consultation closes 27 January.


    Salusbury Rd, Brent, Greater London, NW6 6, UK

    Ticket offices at eight out of the nine Overground stations in Brent are being earmarked for closure. Please have your say by responding to the consultation. The deadline is 27 January.