• Kensal Canalside – Public Meeting

    There’s a public meeting run by Kensington and Chelsea – the planning authority for the development. This is on Thursday 13 Feb, 6pm to 8pm at Barlby Primary School, W10 6DW.

    The entrance to the school is on Treverton St.

    Also see the relevant page on the KTRA “Keep Kensal Green” website at: https://www.keepkensalgreen.com/stwilliam-page

    The rest of that site is worth looking at.

  • Queen’s Park Area – Healthy Neighbourhood

    The second phase of consultation on possible traffic management in the Queen’s Park area by MP Smarter Travel has been extended. Go to this page on the QPARA website for updated information.

  • Newsletter – November 2024

    The November 2024 QPARA Newsletter is now available: Click on this Link.

  • Queen’s Park Paddling Pool

    A petition has been set up to campaign for the City of London Corporation to commit to bringing the paddling pool in Queen’s Park back into use.

    Please sign the petition HERE.

    The paddling pool has been open only intermittently for the past several years because of problems with ageing equipment and running costs.

    At the July 2024 meeting of QPARA we had a report from Ciarán O’Keeffe, the Parks Manager responsible for Queen’s Park, among others. Two of the four filtration jets are faulty and the chemical input plant needs upgrading. This work is necessary for safe operation of the pool.

    Considerable expenditure would be needed for this work as well as the ongoing costs of Lifeguards, Safeguarding and First Aid provision. The City of London Corporation have set no budget for this, and there is no immediate prospect of this work being undertaken.

  • Acapella Rising choir

    This local choir is starting their new “term” on 17th September and welcomes new members.

    We’re mixed ability.  There’s no need to audition, enthusiasm will do!

    Our USP is that we sing acapella.  Our repertoire is diverse, including pop, American Song Book and world music.

    We rehearse on Tuesday nights during term time, at Kenmont School, Kensal Green NW10

    Contact Carin at carinvond@gmail.com


Recent Posts still current

Jubilee Mugs
Jubilee Mugs

Our high quality bags, mugs and Oyster card holders are all still available. Jubilee mugs are £10 each, all other items are £5 each.

To purchase, please email Andrea at qpmembership@gmail.com




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