• Successful QPARA hustings

    Just back from a packed hustings.

    Thanks to the candidates for answering some great questions on issues with a local flavour. And thanks also to Jamie Newall for chairing the session so well.image

  • QPARA Hustings – tomorrow, Thursday 9th April

    As the Hustings are restricted to 1 hour, we have slightly changed the timings. Here is the plan for the evening provided to the Prospective Parliamentary Candidates for the Hampstead and Kilburn Constituency:

    Husting venue - St Anne's and St Andrew's church, 125 Salusbury Road, NW6 6RG
    Husting venue – St Anne’s and St Andrew’s church, 125 Salusbury Road, NW6 6RG
    7.30 pm Meeting Opens – Informal chance to meet local residents. Refreshments available
    8.00 pm QPARA business for 30 minutes
    8.30 pm Time for Candidates to introduce themselves – why you wish to represent H&K; what difference you would make – max 3 minutes each
    8.50 pm 1 hour of Hustings
    9.50 pm Hustings close

    Please remember that space is limited and so we cannot guarantee admittance.

  • General Election Hustings: Thursday, 9th April

    With the campaign formally underway, we are pleased to invite you to meet the candidates for the Hampstead and Kilburn Parliamentary Constituency at a hustings meeting at 8.00pm on Thursday, 9th April at St Anne’s and St Andrew’s church, 125 Salusbury Road, London NW6 6RG.

    The normal business of the QPARA monthly meeting will be concluded in the first half hour, after which the candidates will be invited to make short statements and then answer questions about issues of interest to people in the local area.

    The hustings will last about an hour. Space will be limited, so please arrive in good time, to be sure of entry.

    Husting venue - St Anne's and St Andrew's church, 125 Salusbury Road, NW6 6RG
    Husting venue – St Anne’s and St Andrew’s church, 125 Salusbury Road, NW6 6RG
  • Stall applications for Queen’s Park Day are now open #QPD15

    The team is already up and running and preparations are well under way for Queen’s Park Day 2015. The date is Sunday 13th September.

    To apply for a stall, please read the general stall regulations and information. Then download and complete the application form and return it by email. The closing date for applications is 17th  May.

    Community Stall form

    Trade Stall form

    General Regulations


    We’d love stall holders to tweet your photos and thoughts about Queen’s Park Day using the hashtag #QPD15

  • March draft minutes

    The minutes of QPARA meetings are posted on the Monthly Meetings page, where you can also find the next month’s agenda and future meeting dates. March’s draft minutes and April’s agenda are now available. Please note that minutes remain draft until approved at a Monthly Meeting.

    Agendas for Monthly Meetings will be published on the home page.

    Draft minutes are sent individually to members. Anyone wishing to receive minutes of our meetings is invited to join the Association.




Recent Posts still current

Jubilee Mugs
Jubilee Mugs

Our high quality bags, mugs and Oyster card holders are all still available. Jubilee mugs are £10 each, all other items are £5 each.

To purchase, please email Andrea at qpmembership@gmail.com




AGM Air pollution Air quality Annual General Meeting Birdwalk BPV Brent Council Buses Chamberlayne Road cleaner air Corrib Rest Donations General Election HS2 Newsletter NHS Open Gardens and Studios Parking QPD15 Queen's Park News Queen's Park Singers Queen's Park station Queens Park café Safer Neighbourhoods Team Salusbury Road Salusbury World Shakespeare Stall applications St Anne's WW1
